10 Upcoming Xbox One Exclusive Games You Must Consider

9. Crackdown 3

Release Date: Q2/Q3 2016 The Buzz: The first entry into the Crackdown series in six years aims to revitalise the franchise with multiplayer action on an insane scale like has never been attempted before. The game will be taking advantage of cloud computing technology to allow an entire city to be destroyed during online play, with the rendering tasks being farmed out to cloud servers, allowing the Xbox One to process far more data than would be possible within the mere console itself. It's an extremely daring move and one that could certainly go wrong if Reagant Games encounter server issues on day one, but if they pull it off, they will have broken new ground as far as modern gaming processing goes. It's a shame this won't carry through to the single-player campaign, which has a limited level of destruction due to taking place offline, but it'll be interesting to see whether or not they can pull it off regardless.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.