10 Useful Video Game Companions That SUCKED To Hang Out With
1. Donald Duck - Kingdom Hearts
A possibly sacrilegious take now, so brace yourselves. You've been warned.
Beloved though Donald Duck might be as one of Disney's most iconic characters, and as objectively helpful as he can be as a member of your party in the Kingdom Hearts games, his presence throughout the series - especially the earlier games - quickly renders him grating.
Firstly, there's no getting around it - the voice becomes a chore to listen to after an hour or two. Hearing Donald let out a raspy squawk loudly every time he's hit fast becomes headache-inducing - if not outright destructive to the soul.
And even though Donald is theoretically helpful as an extremely powerful magic user, he rocks such laughably low HP and attack/defense stats that he's more often in danger of being KO'd and becoming a mere liability.
Making matters worse, Donald was also seriously nerfed in Kingdom Hearts II, though this was thankfully rectified for the most recent third game.
Donald Duck could be helpful, but between his overall weakness and the sheer sensory assault that occurs every time he opens his mouth, it's tough to consider him worth the trouble in the first two games.