10 Utterly Bizarre Video Game Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

3. Gears Of War 3: Chicken Vengeance

Epic Games

Gears Of War is pretty much the most macho thing in the history of macho things. You play as a probably steroid-riddled crew of muscle-bound meat-head soldiers, endlessly running sideways and hiding behind boxes as bug creatures attempt to take over the world, while trying to reconnect with daddy.

It's about as adrenaline and bullet-soaked as game franchises get, and most gamers will view it as a straight-up, all-guts-all-glory shooter with no magical gloss added at all. But then, in Gears Of War 3, someone shot a chicken.

After years of being the whipping boys of all RPGs and shooters, poultry bit back. Tired of being shot for no reason other than sport, the chickens in Gears Of War 3 are an entirely different beast, transforming into a monstrous giant fire-breathing golden clucker with murderous vengeance in its eyes.

That isn't the end of the chicken shenanigans either: elsewhere in the game there's a pirate chicken, and a gun called the Chuckshot that fires exploding chickens. What else?


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