10 Utterly Bizarre Video Game Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

2. GTA IV - The Heart Of The Matter

GTA IV Heart

Grand Theft Auto has a long and illustrious association with upsetting people: whether it's because someone hid a naughty mini-game not very well in the code, or because you can run over prostitutes and generally murder a multitude of people with reckless abandonment, but they also have a knack for hiding some sweet Easter eggs in their games.

Sadly, this one was just plain odd, and shows off exactly the kind of weird, warped minds that go into creating mega-selling video game franchises.

In GTA IV, gaining access to the inside of the Statue of Happiness - cunningly by an access point marked with a "No Hidden Content This Way" sign on the upper level of the the statue's pedestal - revealed this...

...the presence of a giant beating heart. This is apparently the "Heart of Liberty City"," which cannot be shot, as probably everyone discovered pretty quickly. Game developers are weird.


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