10 Utterly Irritating Video Game Heroes You Were Supposed To Love

9. Tails - Sonic 2


Miles "Tails" Prower is Sonic The Hedgehog's trusty sidekick. This may be another controversial entry - Tails is not the most blatantly annoying character on the list. If you think about your first play through of Sonic 2 however, you may reconsider. As we are all aware, Sonic's main abilities are being super fast and curling up into a spiky ball of death. Let's compare this to Tails: Tails can easily keep up with Sonic speed-wise, he can mimic Sonic's ability of turning into a blurry pile of quills (bit puzzling since, unlike Sonic, he has no spines), and he can also fly. Oh, and did we forget to mention, Tails is invincible?! That's right, Tails can drown, impale himself on spikes, be crushed to a pulp between moving platforms, or ripped apart by one of Robotnik's mechanical death machines, and survive. Similar to Kenny from South Park, he will die and then fly casually back into the screen as if nothing happened. This raises an important question - why the hell doesn't Tails just fly up to the Death Egg and destroy it with his invincible fox powers? Sonic seems redundant once you work out Tails' secret. My theory is that Sonic has a god complex but also an extremely fragile ego - Tails is trying to make him feel important by allowing him to be the hero, in order to avoid yet another hedgehog-themed b*tch fit. Whichever way you look at it, the next time you play this game, I challenge you to not be jealous of Tails' powers.
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Interests include: Writing, bourbon, cigarettes, music, video games, Honey Badgers. Feel free to send any job offers, assignments, or searing fireballs of pure hatred to: gordstark@gmail.com