10 Utterly Sadistic Video Game Villains

1. Deathshead - Wolfenstein: The New Order

mass effect 2 overlord

Wilhelm "Deathshead" (Totenkopf) Strasse had been referenced in both The Deep and in The Old Blood, however, it is in Wolfenstein: The New Order that his true horror is put on show.

A gifted doctor and researcher, Deathshead was one of the most important members of the Nazi SS, occupying the Minister of Advanced Science post. It is in this position that Deathshead is able to revel in his cruel and sadistic nature, dabbling in horrific human experiments in his quest to prove that compassion is a pointless emotion that others should ignore.

Never one to demonstrate anything other than an ultra-logical and callous front, Deathshead's lack of humanity is epitomised in one of gaming's most controversial cinematics. Depending on the decisions a player chooses, Deathshead is given a cutscene where he inflicts a horrific form of brain torture/dissection on either Wyatt or Fergus.

It is genuinely one of the most sickening moments of any video game, and the twisted smile that breaks across Deathshead's face as he inflicts unimaginable torture on someone makes it even more shocking.

Deathshead's undoubted genuis arguably makes him even more sadistic to players, with the Nazi researcher being all too aware of the pain and effects his work has on his victims.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.