10 Utterly Sadistic Video Game Villains

2. Lionel Starkweather - Manhunt

mass effect 2 overlord

Perhaps the most loathable video game villain in history, Lionel Starkweather is the main antagonist of Rockstar's Manhunt. Voiced by Brian Cox, he is introduced as a slimy, shady individual to players, preferring to be heard rather than seen for the majority of the story.

However, that doesn't stop the man also known as 'The Director' from showcasing just how twisted an individual he really is, with Starkweather demanding players commit all manner of scenarios for his snuff films under the promise of granting them their freedom.

Not only is Starkweather a murderer that enjoys gloating about his criminal deeds, boasting about how he had killed protagonist James Earl Cash's family during the main storyline, but he is also a sexual sadist, often moaning in pleasure as players perform a kill.

A blackmailer, murderer, torturer and illegal snuff film producer, Starkweather demonstrates a complete lack of humanity for his actions right up until his demise, and maintains his position through bribery and intimidation.

Manhunt was, and still is, a controversial Rockstar release, and the inclusion of such a sadistic figure in Lionel Starkweather was a huge factor behind this reputation.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.