10 Utterly Sadistic Video Game Villains

9. Caesar - Fallout: New Vegas

mass effect 2 overlord

One of the biggest reasons why Fallout: New Vegas is the acclaimed title it still is today is down to its collection of colourful characters, both on the right and wrong side of morality. One of the most colourful of these characters is Caesar, the ruler of Caesar's Legion.

The faction is modelled after ancient Rome, with Caesar, known previously by his birth name of Edward Sallow, who runs the group with a totalitarian iron-fist at the top. One of the most enigmatic speakers in the game, Caesar is able to control his followers with his speeches and grandiose visions, however, underneath the surface lies a man using his position to dish out some horrifying acts.

Under Caesar, his legion is based on traditional tribal dominance and slavery, with its leader hellbent on trampling over whoever stands in the way. What makes Caesar a sadistic video game villain is how much he seems to be revelling in his position and the atrocious acts his legion are performing under his leadership.

A man who refuses to believe in giving knowledge and technology to his people to maintain his stranglehold over them, Caesar is undoubtedly a megalomaniac who never fails to demonstrate a complete lack of humanity when it comes to furthering his own position.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.