10 Utterly Sadistic Video Game Villains

8. Dimitri Rascalov - Grand Theft Auto IV

mass effect 2 overlord

Grand Theft Auto IV might not be the most universally adored entry to the series, falling short of making the same splash as Vice City or San Andreas, however, the inclusion of Dimitri Rascalov as the game's slimy, sadistic antagonist was certainly memorable.

Dimitri is constantly shown as a scheming player amongst the Russian mob, consistently betraying and bumping off those he called his allies throughout the main storyline. But whilst his Machiavellian moves helped him climb the ladder to the position of top dog in the underworld, albeit briefly, it didn't take much to showcase Dimitri's sadistic side either.

The Russian is shown to be all too happy burning, beating and killing anyone who crosses him. And, unlike others in the game, Dimitri is also shown to be all too aware of his actions, with his nihilistic attitude leading to a fixation a 'survival of the fittest' mantra throughout the game.

As well as physically bumping off his opponents, Dimitri is also not above the psychological torture. He sends Niko a photo of Roman tied up and continually taunts the player about the situation, developing a fixation with not only killing his adversary, but mentally breaking him as well.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.