10 Video Game Achievements That Made You Say WHAT?!

1. A Slap In The Face - Sleeping Dogs

Yakuza 0.jpg
Square Enix

And we'll wrap things up on a totally daft note now, with pretty-good GTA clone Sleeping Dogs and its most gut-bustingly bizarre achievement for murdering your fellow man with a fish of all things.

The "A Slap in the Face" 'cheev is triggered by simply grabbing a fish from one of the fish tanks scattered throughout the game world and hitting an enemy with it so damn hard it straight-up kills them.

As comical as the mere act of doing so might sound, the fact that you'll be rewarded with a shiny new achievement for your efforts makes it that much funnier.

Given that players may well do this without the game needing to give them any prompting or incentive, getting a reward for it is some wonderfully unexpected icing on the cake.

The takeaway here? More games should definitely encourage you to commit deadly assault with defenseless animals.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.