10 Video Game Achievements That Made You Say WHAT?!

8. Testikill - Blitz: The League II

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Blitz: The League II offers up not only a wildly satirical interpretation of American football as a sport, but also lets you mash opposing players' balls into a fine paste. Yup.

The game's "Testikill" achievement will, er, pop - possibly a suspect choice of words in this case - if you manage to rupture 10 rival players' scrotums in any mode of play.

Y'see, the game's intentionally over-the-top parade of violence extends to allowing players to target specific parts of an opponent's body, including their nuts.

If you select the testicular region, you won't simply get to see your player sack them to the floor sack-first, you'll then be treated to an X-ray-style glimpse inside the injured player's body as their scrotal sack bursts open from the inside.

It's horrific, hilarious, and if you do it 10 times - which, let's be honest, you definitely will - you'll even get an outrageously monikered 'cheev for the trouble.

Curiously this isn't the only nutshot-related achievement out there - the John Woo game Stranglehold also has a 'cheev named Testikill for shooting a fellow player in the crotch, while Sniper Elite 5 will dole out the "Das Familienjuwel" (as in, "the family jewels") achievement for shooting Hitler in the balls. Nice.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.