10 Video Game Achievements That Made You Say WHAT?!

7. All The Purchasable Trophies - Nier: Automata

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Nier: Automata is a game governed entirely by the brilliant eccentricities of director Yoko Taro, and that's quite hilariously - if contentiously - reflected in its achievement set.

The action-RPG sequel totally detonates the very idea of achievements by featuring a secret shop in the Resistance Camp where players can just... buy the majority of the trophies with in-game currency.

Now to be clear, you need to have first beaten the game three times, and none of the story-based achievements can be purchased.

But for 28 of the game's 48 'cheevs, you're free to just unlock them with the money you've accrued while playing, with around 2 million G needed to nab the lot.

Naturally this feature proved controversial with 'cheev and trophy-hunters, who felt that such a facility undermined the glory of getting them "the hard way" when others could just unlock them through a shortcut.

But for many, it was fun to see Taro so blatantly thumbing his nose at the arbitrariness of achievements themselves.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.