10 Video Game Achievements That Made You Say WHAT?!

5. NOPE - Amnesia: The Dark Descent

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Frictional Games

Not everybody has the bottle to play horror games, and that's absolutely fine, but rather than mock scaredy-cat players for ducking out of the experience in record time, Amnesia: The Dark Descent does quite the opposite and gives you an achievement for it.

Indeed, the classic survival horror game will give players the "NOPE" achievement for quitting the game at the very beginning, as soon as they're given control of protagonist Daniel for what's effectively Amnesia's tutorial section.

Or as the achievement's description quite generously puts it, you "Left when things were getting interesting."

Seeing this 'cheev pop as you're thrown back to the game's main menu is nothing if not hilariously unexpected, and allows developers Frictional Games to have some fun with players who've decided Amnesia isn't for them without straight-up mocking them for being wussies.

All the same, it's low-key wholesome that the game lets even players who quit in mere moments unlock at least one achievement.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.