10 Video Game Achievements That Made You Say WHAT?!

6. Spent 15 Hours At The Alien Strip Club - High On Life

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Squanch Games

High on Life's "Spent 15 Hours at the Alien Strip Club" achievement sounds like a pretty typical idle 'cheev, that you need to just visit the game's strip club and leave it running for 15 hours, right?

But in typically subversive, tongue-in-cheek form for the game, that's not quite the case. Why, you ask? Because there's no strip club in the game you can actually visit.

There is, admittedly, something of a hint in the achievement's description, which reads, "Spend 15 hours at the very real in-game alien strip club," the sarcastic tone of which implies as much.

As it turns out, this achievement is unmissable while playing the campaign, as during the boss fight against Nipulon, he'll drug you and decide to give you this achievement as a "reward," while noting that it's both permanent and can be seen by everyone on your friends list.

In effect, the game is trying to embarrass you in the event that any of your pals decide to skim your achievements and are then led to believe you spent 15 hours hanging out in a digital alien strip club. Amazing.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.