10 Video Game Achievements That REALLY Needed More Thought

9. Hail To The King - Final Fantasy IX

battlefield bad company 2
Square Enix

The Achievement

Jump rope 1000 times without tripping and obtain King of Jump Rope.

Why It Needed More Thought

For starters, Final Fantasy IX's infamous jump rope mini-game can literally take players longer to master than the game's linear 40-hour campaign.

Pulling off 1000 flawless consecutive jumps requires players to exhibit frankly superhuman reflexes for seven-and-a-half minutes, jumping in time with a rope which periodically changes its speed and pattern.

If the sheer difficulty isn't bad enough, Square Enix clearly didn't consider how much more difficult it is to complete on a modern HDTV with a wireless controller, both of which introduce more lag compared to the CRT TVs and wired controllers generally used when the game was released back in 2000.

This is the achievement most likely to prevent you from getting the game's Platinum trophy, and some players got desperate enough that they literally coded a script to run through the PS4's Remote Play app and automate the jumping. Madness.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.