10 Video Game Achievements That REALLY Needed More Thought

7. Et Tu, Brute? - Battlefield: Bad Company 2

battlefield bad company 2

The Achievement

Online: Knife 5 friends.

Why It Needed More Thought

This is another achievement that just didn't consider the realities of online play. The 'cheev requires players to be in an online match with at least one person from their friend list who also happens to be on the opposite team, and then stab them to death five times.

For starters, not everyone plays video games with their friends - we've all got busy lives, after all - and even if you do have a friend to play with, ensuring you end up on opposite teams is basically a roll of the dice.

If there are two slots available on the same team, the game will automatically team you together, so you need to hope you join the match with one open slot per team.

And even if you get this far, the achievement basically encourages you to boost, by communicating over party chat, meeting up with your friend at a secluded spot, and then taking turns stabbing each other so you can both pop the 'cheev.

Doing it for real, against a friend who is playing competitively while avoiding all the other players, is nigh-on impossible.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.