10 Video Game Achievements That RUIN The Game
I just need to kill ALL the bison?! Count me in!

Achievement hunting can be a lot of fun. The thrill of getting that small icon pop up on your screen as you manage to complete a tough challenge is on par with hitting a jackpot, but without all the negative connotations of a crippling gambling addiction (a friendly reminder not to gamble all of your life savings away, folks).
However, not every achievement is designed with gameplay in mind, and sometimes the challenges the developers put in front of you require such dire sacrifices that you pretty much need to ruin your own fun with the game.
The achievements will ask you to give up an important item, make wrong decisions, or put yourself in compromising situations just so that you can show your friends that you were up to the challenge later. In some extreme cases, your measly reward will even require something so terrible that trying to continue playing your save after getting the achievement will prove simply impossible.
While it may be worth it to get these achievements at some point, don’t go for them right off the bat. It’s better to play the game normally first and worry about its treacherous rewards later.
10. Manifest Destiny - Red Dead Redemption

In a typical Rockstar game, getting gung-ho with your gun is an entirely guilt-free experience. You might gain a wanted level or lose honor, but otherwise, your little murder spree will not disrupt the status quo, and you'll be able to continue playing as though nothing had happened.
But not in Red Dead Redemption.
Here, what you shoot and how many times you shoot it can matter greatly, as evidenced by the achievement "Manifest Destiny."
The achievement requires you to kill every single bison on the map. It sounds simple, but there's a catch: bison are the only creatures in the game that do not respawn, meaning that when you get rid of them all, they're gone. Forever.
Yes, in a bitter reference to its namesake, Manifest Destiny requires you to take from the beautiful landscape of the Old West and leave it a little more empty for it. Once the achievement pops up on your screen, you'll know that you'll never be able to encounter another wild drove of bison, and the plains they used to roam will forever be turned into silent, bleak patches of grass and dirt.
Great, as if 80% of the map wasn't a desolate wasteland already.