10 Video Game Achievements That RUIN The Game

9. There Is Kindness In You - Furi

Borderlands 2 Jimmy
The Game Bakers

The 2016 bullet hell hack-and-slash Furi is an experience of extreme difficulty, where any setback might cost you your sanity and controller.

Losing a life to a stray bullet can feel incredibly frustrating, but try to imagine how much worse the anger is when instead of a single life, it is the entire save file you lose.

It sounds too cruel to be true, you say? Well, to the developers of Furi, it's not. In fact, they even give you an achievement for it.

"There Is Kindness in You" is an achievement you get for reaching the secret ending in which your character abandons their fight for freedom and decides to spend the rest of his eternal existence with one of his jailers, the Song.

The achievement sounds tempting to get, especially since the secret ending can be done halfway through the game, so you can quickly knock it off your to-do list, see what happens, and then move on. Except the game doesn't tell you the secret ending will erase your save file and bring you back to the menu screen.

Thought this would be an easy get? Well, say goodbye to your hours of hard-earned progress!


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.