10 Video Game Achievements You Seriously Needed To Plan Out

Strap yourself in and gather some supplies, because you're going to need them.


For the most part, a lot of gamers are content with just finishing a game. Seeing that sweet, sweet story conclusion, with maybe a sidequest or two chucked in, is usually enough for the casual gamer. Job done, on to the next adventure.

Yet for the hardcore, the 100%er's, there's getting every last drop from the fruit they've invested in. Be that smashing all the best times on tracks designed to test your limits, or the flow-breaking grind to hit milestones in an otherwise fast-paced shooter. I'd even wager none of you have considered standing still for an hour in a game, or deliberately not taking a survivor to refuge.

But they're there, should you want to reach out and try these feats. You can't rush in blind though, you've got to do your homework. Oh, and maybe have some fuel on standby, because some of these are going to take a while.

Don't blame me if you decide to get it in your head to attempt these though.

Disclaimer: This doesn't literally mean just Xbox/PC achievements. It's more a collection of feats that require a lot of effort, and are therefore big achievements in general. That being said, some will be tied to achievements/trophies, as you'll see.

10. Metal Gear Solid 4: The Guns Of The Patriots - Emblems?! Embleeeeems!


Metal Gear Solid 4 is a notorious game for trophy hunters already, especially when you consider that any you would have earned pre-trophy patch don't count. Meaning in essence, you have to restart everything in the game.

Putting aside that you have to finish the game on each difficulty separately, the real task for the hardcore devotees is the emblem and title collection. Now, some are fairly straightforward for an MGS game: finish on a certain difficulty with set parameters, such as not killing many people or being alerted. Fair enough.

But how many of us consider leaning on walls for an hour total? How about a combined two and half hours crouched? Who even knew you could give rebel soldiers item in their first playthrough?!

As far as requirements go, those are some of the tamer ones. There's no real reason to unlock these, other than that 100% completion of MGS4. Granted, we sometimes grind a little for the odd trophy or two, but there's a limit.

I mean, who's going to flick through through one hundred pages of the girly magazines in first person mode?*


*Put your hand down at the back.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.