10 Video Game Achievements You Seriously Needed To Plan Out

5. Rock Band 2 - Bladder Of Steel


Are you sitting comfortably? Chances are you won't be after six and a half hours of playing Rock Band 2. That doesn't sound too bad, surely?

The catch?

You cannot pause.

It's called the "Endless Setlist" for a reason, and it requires you to play it without pausing or failing. You read that correctly: Rock Band 2 wants you to play it for a solid quarter of your day, without stopping for a tinkle break, to unlock some bragging rights.

Alright, I'll drop the melodrama. Yes, you can pause it if you really need to. But no one would be planning this if they didn't want that achievement/trophy.

But you need preparation and commitment. You also cannot accidentally hit the home/dashboard button on a controller, as it counts as a pause. As does any battery-operated instrument dying mid-strum, so be warned.

It's certainly not for the faint-hearted, with the more savvy of you working out a tag team system if the option was there.

Failing that, you could just pull a Who and trash your guitar if you mess up.

In this post: 
Rock Band 2
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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.