10 Video Game Achievements You Seriously Needed To Plan Out

6. Max Payne 3 - Slave To The Grind


Max Payne 3, whilst a beautiful game with solid gunplay and a decent story, is not a fun time for completionists.

Not only is there a trophy/achievement for finishing on the hardest difficulty, but there's an ante-upping one for doing it on the hardest difficulty, on a time limit, without dying. But that's not why we're here today. That's just more for the dedicated, the ones with the aim so true and aversion to being shot.

Instead I refer to the grind of... well, the Grinds. A set of in-game challenges, that vary in scope, but many in total. Some are pretty standard: X amount of melee finishes, the shoot-dodge kills, collecting golden gun parts. All par for the course, right?

Then there's the kills specific to how Max is positioned on the floor, for example. Even stranger, there's a Grind for destroying cars. In a game that only has cars at few points, no less.

It meant replaying chapters was necessary, which was all the more painful when you had to listen to Max monologue a fair bit before being able to skip a cutscene.

Grind indeed...

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.