10 Video Game Annoyances That Must Die Next Generation

1. Extortionate Microtransactions

Assassins Creed Map

Potentially this generation's most controversial and frequently discussed issue, microtransactions have questioned gaming's ethics in a way they've never been before. From accusations of companies endorsing child gambling to claims that games are nigh unplayable without dishing out some real-world currency, microtransactions need to be reigned in by next-generation.

That's not to say they need to go entirely; a lot of companies actually finance themselves heavily off selling small side-content and, in principle, this isn't morally unacceptable. The problem arises when buying a fun cosmetic item transforms into a pay-to-win scheme or, worse, a means of online gambling where the player is completely unaware of what they'll get after entering a draw.

Sadly, this has drawn a lot of eyes to gaming from the outside world and not in a good way. A senate bill has been proposed recently that would seek to ban loot boxes in all games accessible by children (Rest In Peace Fortnite), while many parents and government figures have aired moral grievances against loot boxes for their greedy desire to take money from impressionable young audiences.

Regardless of your thoughts on the matter, the horrifically exploitative aspects of these in-game payments need to be sorted by the time we make the jump to next-gen platforms.

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Part-time freelance media journalist, full-time massive nerd. Hit me up on Twitter so I can systematically convince you that Shadow Of The Colossus is the greatest game ever made.