8. Kronos - God of War III

You gotta feel sorry for the big daddy of the Titans, Kronos. After being dethroned by his own sons and forced to wander the desert with the temple of Pandora on his back you'd think he couldn't get it any worse, but nope. After claiming Pandora's box from the temple at the end of God of War Kronos is cast down into the pits of Tarturus to suffer even more for his attempts at keeping his rule secure in the glory days of the Titans. After Kratos wanders into his grasp he announces his hatred of him for killing the Titan Gaia and selfishly going after Zeus, costing the Titans victory. Understandably Kronos is quite pissed and killing him almost feels like a chore as you're just essentially silencing and old man who's claiming that you're the incarnation of evil, which in Kratos' case is probably true. After feeble attempts to stop the Spartan warrior, Kronos is impaled through the face by the bolt which held the chains of Pandora's temple to his back. It's not enough to stop there though, as the bleeding Titan proclaims Kratos' lack of honor for killing him in this way. Honestly, you just stab him through the head, and not lightly either. Full on blade-in-forehead brutal death, adding another mythological giant to the list of things Kratos has killed. The guy had lost everything and had nothing left, he'd just discovered that the final attempt to seize power by the Titans had failed and he was trapped in hell. Being killed by a mortal is just the final insult to the injuries Kratos dealt to Kronos in that battle.