10 Video Game Boss Battles That Left Us Disappointed

1. The Starchild €“ Mass Effect 3

In honesty, there is little more to be said about the Starchild that has not already been discussed, debated, fought over, analysed and disregarded countless times over. But most of that criticism stems from the fact that it is Shephard, not the Starchild, who is truly at fault in this scene. Shephard's out of character reactions have been resolved to some extent by the extended cut DLC, though of course, flaws remain. That said, my issue here isn't so much with the Starchild, or even Shephard, as it is with the anti-climactic nature of the game's ending. Now this is not about the ending cinematics that come later, but rather the emptiness I felt at not getting to personally, once and for all put a bullet right between Harbinger's eyes. So many games these days forget the importance of an enemy with a face €“ an antagonist that is there throughout the beginning, middle and end of your story. The be all and end all of what you are struggling to oppose €“ and more importantly that no matter what you want to stop the bastard from having his moment. When it comes to Harbinger, leader of the Reapers and intent on the destruction of not just humanity but all galactic life, this end-game is shockingly lacking. In fact, Harbinger's presence is never felt more than throughout Mass Effect 2 when he takes over Collector's bodies and is €œassuming control€, but we never get satisfaction of gunning down anything more a hologram of Harbinger ourselves. Instead we get an endless horde of challenging but faceless, copy and pasted enemies swarming Shephard's party, but only until you press a terminal button launching a missle into the Reaper's centre. And that's it. That's the end conflict in the Mass Effect trilogy after three games of careful decision making and galactic strife. No unique boss battle, no final showdown, no enemy with a face. Unless you count a ten year old boy with delusions of salvation through destruction. So what do you think game fans? Did we miss any of the most disappointing final bosses from gaming history? Share your own thoughts below.

When not writing Chris spends more time thinking about playing videogames than actually playing them and can usually be found reorganizing his Blu Ray and book collections. He owns four different editions of A Song of Ice and Fire and no, it isn't overkill. He's left the neon haze of Tokyo and Seoul for the more sedate streets of Bournemouth.