10 Video Game Boss Battles That Left Us Disappointed

3. Liquid Ocelot - Metal Gear Solid 4

When you consider everything we've been through in the Metal Gear Solid franchise €“ taking down a Hind helicopter single-handedly, overcoming hypnotism through controller swapping, fighting an insane ninja, gunning down an obese explosives-fetishist on rollerblades to name just a few €“ it's really a rather sad end to see the franchise climax in an un-fun, tedious bout of fisticuffs between two aged men. Now, before you start flaring your nostrils, bear in mind that I recognise the intention. If you think back carefully, you'll recall that every €œmain€ MGS game (I'm discounting Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, because really, who cares?) ends with a fist-fight. First between Solid and Liquid Snake, then between Raiden and Solidus (still the worst codename ever), then between Naked Snake and The Boss. So it's something of a franchise staple. But in MGS4, the showdown between Solid Snake and Liquid Ocelot (eyeroll) was just uninspired. I get the goal: to strip it all down and bring it back to a primal, focused conflict between two sworn enemies, but after the incredibly highs of controlling Metal Gear Rex in undoubtedly the best €œboss fight€ in the game, two old fogeys battering the snot out of each other with the same old tired animations over and over again just doesn't cut it (even if you do play all the MGS final boss themes throughout). Fanboys will defend it to no end, but there's really no getting away from the fact that it just isn't very good.

When not writing Chris spends more time thinking about playing videogames than actually playing them and can usually be found reorganizing his Blu Ray and book collections. He owns four different editions of A Song of Ice and Fire and no, it isn't overkill. He's left the neon haze of Tokyo and Seoul for the more sedate streets of Bournemouth.