10 Video Game Boss Battles That Literally Hack Your Game

7. Bob Barbas - DmC: Devil May Cry

Dmc Devil May Cry
Ninja Theory

Much like a lot of news presenters, Bob is shifty, untrustworthy, and has a dark personality laying beneath the surface.

Although all may seem well on the surface, the climactic battle with Bob sees you inside a digital landscape of his own hellish creation.

What takes place is a battle against his massive digital head in a bizarre turn of events - even for Devil May Cry.

As Dante, you'll be dodging lasers and static, in the hopes to land your blade on his face. This is Bob's world and Bob holds all the cards.

Not only that, but the perspective will often change to the view of news helicopter, changing how you must play on the fly. It's a constantly changing battle that demands your full attention.

The rules Bob puts in place completely go against everything that DmC has introduced you to at this point. While other bosses have been challenging, they've remained somewhat based in the lore DmC portrays. Bob does not.

It's one of the most memorable boss fights from DmC: Devil May Cry, if not one of the most infuriating.


Freelance games journalist who will fight anyone who questions to majesty of Bioshock... or any of the SpongeBob games.