10 Video Game Boss Battles Who Tricked You Into Thinking You'd Won

7. Sister Friede & Father Ariandel - Dark Souls III: Ashes Of Ariandel

Doom Cyberdemon

The end of Dark Souls III's Ashes Of Ariandel DLC offers up a mighty final challenge in the way of Sister Friede and Father Ariandel.

The battle actually begins with the player battling only Sister Friede, and for the standards of Dark Souls she's actually not too much of a challenge.

After beating down her health, a cutscene will play out in which Friede's blood awakens Father Ariandel, who revives Friede for a two-on-one handicap match.

This is a far tougher phase of the fight, mitigated only slightly by the fact that Friede and Ariendal share a health bar. Skilled enough players will eventually get the bar down to nil, though, and be rewarded with a slab, seemingly confirming that the fight is over.

But after about 10 seconds - just enough time for you to replenish your health - Friede will suddenly revive out of nowhere as Blackflame Friede for a bonus third phase of the battle.

Unsurprisingly, phase three is the one that tends to catch people with their pants down and cause them to make mistakes, especially as she's capable of dealing catastrophic damage in this form.

Considering that players were given ample visual cues that the fight was over after phase two, this was incredibly sneaky. But would Dark Souls fans really have it any other way?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.