10 Video Game Boss Battles Who Tricked You Into Thinking You'd Won

6. King K. Rool - Donkey Kong Country

Doom Cyberdemon

Donkey Kong Country of course sees players take on King K. Rool in its final boss battle, which for a Nintendo game releasing in 1994 sure had one unexpectedly shrewd trick up its sleeve.

The initial fight against K. Rool appears to be rather easy, requiring players to simply jump on his head while avoiding his aggressive charges and cannonball attacks.

Land enough hits and K. Rool will flop over, defeated, before Donkey Kong himself applauds the player and the game's end credits appear to roll.

And while it's fair to say that most of us don't pay a ton of attention to a game's end credits sequence, anyone who does will realise that something's a little off, given that most of the game's development is credited to Donkey Kong's Kremling enemies.

After about 20 seconds, the faux-credits will finish rolling and K. Rool will spring back to life for part two of the fight, in which he puts up a tad more resistance.

The trick here isn't so much that the second phase of the fight is particularly difficult, but that many likely walked away from the controller the second they saw the credits roll.

While you were busy fetching a snack or going to the toilet, K. Rool was back in the fight and laying waste to you.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.