10 Video Game Boss Fights That Killed The Hype

8. Yang - Sifu

Batman Arkham Asylum Titan Joker

Not all hype-killing bosses need be bad, though, as evidenced by Sifu's final boss Yang.

By this point in the game, players will likely feel considerably more confident in their ability to tackle whatever is thrown at them, but the kicker here is that Yang requires you to fight him in a way totally unlike Sifu's other bosses.

Yang's move set consists primarily of your own moves, only faster and more powerful, and perhaps worst of all he's immune to the trusty, time-slowing focus attacks you've been using plentifully throughout the game up to this point. Yikes.

Oh, and he's got tons of health and can dodge pretty much anything you throw at him like a beast.

Simply, Yang is unsurprisingly the biggest challenge that Sifu has to offer, and after failing to best him a couple of times, your excitement at nearing game's end will surely transform into indignant rage.

The euphoria of finally defeating him is undeniable, but you'll probably just be happy for the game to be over at that point.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.