10 Video Game Boss Transformations You Didn't See Coming

7. Mega Smith - Matrix: The Path Of Neo

Final Fantasy X Yunalesca
Shiny Entertainment

The Matrix: Path of Neo is an adaptation of the original Matrix trilogy, and though it isn't a purely strict translation of those films, it largely sticks to the same story beats.

And so, the "final" boss fight sees Neo battling Agent Smith inside a soggy crater just as he does at the end of the third film, The Matrix Revolutions, but after you beat Smith to a pulp, the scene abruptly cuts to black.

We're then taken to a brilliant white room where the series' filmmakers, the Wachowskis - represented here in colourful 8-bit form - explain that Neo's sacrificial demise would've made for a pretty underwhelming video game ending, and so they decided to give players an epic extra boss battle instead.

We then return to the battlefield where the various Smiths combine with all the surrounding metal to form a kaiju-sized "Mega Smith" (or, if you like, "Mecha Smith").

It's certainly a fittingly bombastic finale battle worthy of a big-budget video game, albeit one that not a single Matrix fan saw coming.

If you somehow needed any further indication that the Wachowskis approached this game as a thoroughly tongue-in-cheek exercise, the celebratory ending sequence cuts clips from the end of the movie to Queen's "We Are the Champions." Glorious.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.