10 Video Game Boss Transformations You Didn't See Coming

6. Gongen Wyzen - Asura's Wrath

Final Fantasy X Yunalesca

Asura's Wrath's early boss battle against the Demigod Wyzen seems reasonable enough at first: despite Wyzen's size and power, it doesn't seem like a total mismatch.

But pummel him enough and you'll trigger a cutscene where Wyzen gets thrown off a cliff to his apparent doom. Except, he'll emerge a few moments later having grown into a skyscraper-sized variation of himself called Vajra Wyzen.

And while that seems like a pretty epic scale increase for an early-game boss fight, if you triumph over Wyzen again, he'll reveal a third and even larger form he's been hiding in his back pocket - Gongen Wyzen.

In this form, Wyzen is effectively the equivalent size of the planet Gaea on which the very game itself is set, and hilariously attempts to kill Asura by smushing him into a fine paste with a single press of his literally country-sized finger.

But through sheer power of rage alone, Asura manages to fight back, exploding Wyzen's colossal form fingertip-first.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.