10 Video Game Bosses So Huge You Had To Take Them Down From The Inside

7. Isaac's Mother - Binding Of Isaac

Lost Planet 2 Gordiant
Edmund McMillen/ Florian Himsel

When you first travel through the weird world of the Binding of Isaac, the levels at the very least seem pretty normal - even if the headless or bloody creeps chasing you down definitely aren't.

Then you start to descend a little deeper into the dungeon, and things get weirder. And weirder. And then you arrive in a level titled "Mom's Womb", and suddenly you feel more than a little bit unclean. What was that hole you jumped through to get here? Let's not think about it.

Mom's Womb has a final boss that is, perhaps suitably, named Mom's heart - and does appear to be her literal heart. Only, it's not entirely suitably, because as far as science has thus far suggested our hearts are absolutely nowhere near our wombs, generally.

The fight against Mom's Heart is one of the major difficulty increases of the game, as the vast majority of bosses you've faced before this won't have offered you this level of challenge. Between shooting bullet-hell style patterns of blood, and summoning other enemies to chase you while this blood flies, the unmoving heart requires you to basically learn how to dance in order to dodge everything thrown you way.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.