10 Video Game Bosses So Huge You Had To Take Them Down From The Inside

6. Gordiant - Lost Planet 2

Lost Planet 2 Gordiant

The Gordiant is perhaps one of the most interesting opponents you face in the assorted gallery of enemies that Lost Planet 2 provides. This is firstly because, well, it's a huge crystal slug lizard, but also because it could totally eat you.

Get too close to the beastie's mouth - or decide to walk in fearlessly - and you're treated to a first class trip to its colossal stomach. Here you can target several internal weak points of the beast, meaning that being eaten here is a totally acceptable tactical plan.

While you might question exactly who decided to waltz into a huge man-eating beast to get at its vulnerable points, the fact that it works means whatever brave idiot made this method known is basically a hero. Strange, yes - and vaguely worrying, yes - but also an absolute hero.

Hilariously, this boss is the first thing you find in the demo for Lost Planet 2, meaning you can literally be two minutes into trying out the game before you're in the beast's belly feeding it a steady nutritious diet of lead.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.