10 Video Game Bosses So Huge You Had To Take Them Down From The Inside

4. The Leviathan - Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening

Lost Planet 2 Gordiant

The majority of the Devil May Cry series is, to put it lightly, pretty wild, so hardened fans likely spent most of the third game feeling as though they were ready for just about anything.

And then Mission eight happens, and you're eaten alive by an evil whale god, all the while realising that no, you can never fully be ready for all of a Devil May Cry game.

After being eaten by the Leviathan, you make your way through the whale's body, gun-slinging all the while.

You then try and get out the only way you know how - by beating the absolute snot out of its internal organs, culminating in a boss fight against its heart.

Weirdly, said heart is split into three sections - which is perhaps more interesting for a boss fight, but also raises a number of questions about demon whale-god anatomy. Defeat your foe, and the loading screen will provide you with some undeniably questionably squelching noises. Hopefully you got some sort of weird, ASMR joy out of them, because after hearing it once, the noise may literally never leave your head.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.