10 Video Game Bosses That Forced You To Play Properly

1. Valkyrie Queen - God of War

god of war

The God of War franchise has always been known for its enormous bombastic bosses that only got bigger and more insane as the series went on. After hitting a sort or climax with God of War 3, there wasn’t really anywhere else to go. So with God of War 2018, players got what they didn’t know they needed.

A more down to earth sombre Kratos, that wasn’t scaling titans, but rather trying to discipline his BOY. Now sure, we are treated to one such boss fight in the vein, but that feels more akin to a call back than anything else. The others range from, nothing to call home about, to Dragon Ball Z levels on insanity. Though, the Valkyrie fights in the late game are the crème de la crème.

These fights feel like Sony Santimonic has taken a page out of the FromSoftware playbook. They are tough, force Kratos and the player to break a sweat, but are for the most part quite beatable. It is the Valkyrie Queen that pushes players to their utmost limit. Even cranking the game down to easy won’t help here, in fact, all that will help is mastery of the eight others before her.

Spamming attacks, button bashing or reliance on dodging won’t save you here. No just pure skill and a keen eye to take any and all opportunities against the Valkyrie Queen, whom which will no doubt stand between you and the Platinum Trophy.

This is gameplay progression at its finest and beating this fight is one of the most rewarding moments to be had on the Playstation 4.


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Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.