10 Video Game Bosses That Forced You To Play Properly

3. Xenomorph - Alien Isolation

alien isolation
Creative Assembly

Whether you class this one a true boss or not, there is no douth the Xenomorph will teach players a lesson.

Taking the formula that Frictional Games popularised with the Amnesia series, Creative Assembly capitalised on this style of play when then put players in the shoes of Amanda Ripley and let them relive the horrors of her mother. Swapping out the Nostromo for the Sevastopol and dropping the Pulse Rifle for a Flame Thrower, there is a real emphasis on stealth.

In fact, thanks to the Xenomorph in question, this game is the antithesis of any game based on the Alien franchise prior to release.

Even on the super-easy difficult patched in long after release, you can’t run, you can’t fight and you certainly can’t hide forever. The Xenomorph is always coming and is pretty much invulnerable to any and all things Amanda can throw at it.

Sometime there will be cannon fodder enemies that’ll allow the player to run by and areas in which the Xenomorph even takes a break, but for the most part, taking it slow and steady is key here. You are forced to keep it at a crawl, otherwise, a Facehugger might just be in your future.


Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.