10 Video Game Bosses That Made You Cheat To Win

8. Cheating The Cheater - Digimon Digital Card Battle

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Digimon Digital Card Battle plays straight the cheating AI route by having your arch enemy actually "hack" the game in order to get the same OP cards every time.

However, hilariously, this can actually play in your favour. Analogman can cheat by hacking to get specific cards - but you can also cheat by using the Hacking card to swap his buffed Digimon's health with that of your own monsters, so long as they're a lower level. This isn't exactly a trouble, either, as his monsters are so powerful that you likely won't ever have to worry about yours being of a higher level.

Admittedly, this isn't exactly the same kind of cheating as you'll find in other games - as the hacking card is totally legitimate and not obtained by skullduggery, and Analogman's whole shtick is that he's hacked his way to fight you in the first place. But it's fun to see that cheating against an also cheating CPU boss is such a well established trope that games like this almost parody it in a strange, meta sort of way.

Were this game to have the same kind of rep that the Pokémon card game did, this battle would likely be infamous. As it is, it's still entertaining to feel like you're caught in some sort of hacking battle against a dangerous rogue.

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