10 Video Game Bosses That Made You Cheat To Win

3. Most Late Game Opponents - Yu-Gi-Oh: Reshef Of Destruction

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In Yu-Gi-Oh: Reshef of Destruction, you face dragons, demons, and ancient Egyptian deities. You also face some downright cheating enemies, because nothing is ever easy, and some people care just a little bit too much about card games.

However, presumably you also care about winning your card games, because when you realise the later enemies you face know what card you've put down even when they're facedown, you're likely going to be more than a little peeved.

But you can game the system, by just creating a deck custom built to sabotage the fact that the enemy can see the stars and stats of your monsters. By using cards that appear weak, but have abilities that automatically kill whatever enemy attacks it, you can strategically take out your enemy's side of the board - since they aren't able to read abilities quite the same.

Again, it's not exactly immoral - as the minute you realise that your enemy can basically read your cards, it's a natural reaction - but it does change the dynamic of these fights from "desperately holding your own against powerful enemies" to "gaming the system" pretty damn fast.

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