10 Video Game Bosses That Made You Cheat To Win

4. The Rhynoc Race - Spyro: Year Of The Dragon

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The race for the dragon egg in Spyro: Year of the Dragon isn't impossible by a long shot. However, it can be really dang annoying, as your enemies are able to use their speed boosts whenever they want, and automatically know their way around the course - whereas you have to build up your boost via tricks.

And, since this isn't the most integral part of the game, it's pretty reasonable to just want to get past it as quick as possible, and get back to the fun levels and boss fights.

So, instead of repeating the race after losing it, you can take a slightly different tactic. If you instead walk to one of the boost panels and just stand on it for a couple minutes, you can stack up the boosts that you'd otherwise have to work to get.

As such, you can literally then go into the race and just constantly boost your way around the entire thing, making it so your enemies have zero chance of ever catching up with you, let alone passing you.

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