10 Video Game Bosses That React To You Being A Jerk

9. Tonberry - Final Fantasy XI

Uncharted 4 Rafe

One recurring Final Fantasy enemy that's sure to give anyone a hard time is Tonberry. He may not look like much, but this diminutive cave-dweller can shuffle off the most devastating attacks with ease and kill almost anyone with a single strike. 

However, Tonberry in Final Fantasy XI are far more formidable. Every time you vanquish one of these blade-wielding creatures, a mechanic is activated that increases Tonberry's damage output in the future. 

The most frustrating thing about this feature is that there's no indication it exists. As a result, you'll probably be deeply confused why you're having difficulty disposing the green-skinned goblins in the later stages of the game when you had little trouble earlier in your adventure.

But it gets worse. If your party goes around and murders every Tonberry that crosses your path, the critters will eventually become too strong to fight, making progress virtually impossible. Fortunately, this mechanic can be reset by performing a side-quest called Everyone's Grudge. 

All-round, it's less time-consuming and frustrating to just leave Tonberry alone.

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