10 Video Game Bosses That React To You Being A Jerk

8. Ocelot - Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes

Uncharted 4 Rafe

Even though Metal Gear Solid has a plethora of defining moments, one scene that sticks out from the original is when recurring boss, Revolver Ocelot, tortures Solid Snake while he's tied to an electrical device. Throughout this sequence, the one-handed assassin keeps shocking Snake, hoping to make him talk. It's an instant Game Over if Snake's health bar hits zero, so you must rapidly press the fire button to stop it from depleting.

Fortunately, it's impossible to lose in the PSOne version if players use a third party controller with an auto-fire mode. So, when it was time to develop The Twin Snakes remake, the developers made sure nobody could exploit this trick. Just before the interrogation takes place, Ocelot looks directly at the camera and yells, "Don't even think about using auto-fire or I'll know."

Anyone who didn't listen to the FOXHOUND operative quickly realised he wasn't bluffing. If an auto-fire is activated, Ocelot will say, "You have a death-wish, boy?" If the auto-fire isn't turned off then and there, Snake's health will drain rapidly, causing him to die almost immediately.

In Ocelot's defense, he made it clear what happened to cheaters.

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