10 Video Game Bosses That React To You Being A Jerk

7. DRM Scorpion - Serious Sam 3

Uncharted 4 Rafe

Over the years, developers have devised creative methods to deal with video game pirates. Playing an illegal copy of Eartbound makes the enemies significantly harder. Pirating Batman: Arkham Asylum disabled some of the dark knight's crucial abilities. 

And when it came to Serious Sam 3, Croteam took special measures to combat cheaters. If the system detects you're playing an illegally downloaded version of this OTT shooter, a DRM Scorpion will begin chasing you straight off the bat. At first, this doesn't seem like a big deal. Throughout the main campaign, you will obliterate more of these augmented arachnoids than you can count.

But this is no ordinary DRM Scorpion we're talking about. Not only does this cybernetic fiend move at ludicrous speed, it's impervious to all basic attacks. 

Now, it's technically possible to beat the game while this cybernetic monstrosity is on your tail the whole time. (In fact, some veterans have speedrun the main campaign this way.)

But if you don't want to put up with an invulnerable Scorpion nipping at your heels from beginning to end, there's an easy way around it - don't cheat.

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