10 Video Game Bosses That Take Absolutely AGES To Beat

1. Yiazmat - Final Fantasy XII

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Square Enix

And you thought Emerald Weapon's 1,000,000 HP was bad?

Final Fantasy XII's (thankfully optional) superboss Yiazmat rocks a mind-melting 50,112,254 HP, and can take anywhere from 1-4 hours for most players to defeat.

Yiazmat possesses a small chance of casting an insta-kill spell, but even if you can avoid or counter that, progress is slowed by Yiazmat's ability to heal and also players' attacks being capped at 6,999 damage once its HP drops below 50%.

Is that some bulls***, or is that some bulls***?

Though players are allowed to save mid-fight, it comes at the possible cost of allowing the boss to restore a large chunk of his health, potentially wasting a ton of time in the process.

Ultimately this was a boss fight prolonged for no sake but its own, and due to the infuriating damage cap, it wasn't even much fun.

Yiazmat was given a pretty significant nerfing in The Zodiac Age re-release, yet coming roughly a decade after the original as it did, the damage had already been dealt to fans' psyches.


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.