10 Video Game Bosses That Take Absolutely AGES To Beat

7. Nyx Avatar - Persona 3

Persona 3 Nyx Avatar

If most of the boss fights on this list are made longer by their punishing difficulty, that's not really the case with Persona 3's final boss, Nyx Avatar.

To most moderately skilled players, Nyx actually isn't too much of a challenge, but the fight sure does go on a good while, potentially lasting around two hours for those fighting at lower levels.

The boss has a staggering 14 (!) forms which must be defeated, and its final form is able to charm your party members into fully healing it, setting you back heaps of time.

Oh, and if you die you have to start the entire fight again, because the Persona franchise's approach to checkpointing sucks.

Nyx's final form would've served as an appropriately challenging and time-consuming end-boss in of itself, but throwing so many preambles at the player just reeks of overzealous padding.

It's not like the first 13 phases are particularly challenging, which in effect makes slogging through them again feel like a box-ticking chore.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.