10 Video Game Bosses That Were Legitimately Broken

7. Mike Tyson - Punch Out!!

MK9 Shao Kahn

In the annals of over-powered "f*** you" video game bosses, is there anyone more iconic than Mike Tyson in the classic NES boxing game Punch-Out!!?

Because Tyson was the fiercest boxer on the planet back in 1987, he was selected to be the game's end boss, and true to his real-life rep, he's an infuriatingly difficult one to topple.

Nintendo games may have a history of featuring overly repetitive and easily identifiable wave-based bosses, but Tyson is no such cakewalk.

His attack patterns are inconsistent and unpredictable, requiring even skilled players to study the more subtle giveaways for when he's about to lay down a strike.

Tyson's absurd speed and immense power ensured most everyone failed this thing dozens if not hundreds of times - all the more demoralising as you had to start the game from the very beginning upon failing, unless you knew the Tyson pass code (it's 007 373 5963, by the way).

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.