10 Video Game Bosses With Ridiculous Final Forms

1. Oogie Boogie - Kingdom Hearts

Super Mario 3D World Bowser
Touchstone Pictures

When it comes to quality boss battles, the Kingdom Hearts series has them in spades. From conflicts that are so wrought with emotion that they genuinely feel like you're losing yourself to them, to that epic and one of a kind moment where you squared off against Sephiroth in the Athens Arena in the original game, Square Enix knocked it out of the park time and time again.

That being said when it came to the boss battle against Oogie Boogie the team kinda dropped the ball with his final phase because...well it absolutely sucks! The first sequence is a genuine thrill ride as Oogie traps you in a devious game show-esque device that sprouts numerous different traps depending on which section of the gaudy platform you're fighting on lights up.

It's a brilliant blend of his character's love of gambling, and the horrible tricks he plays on those that make deals with him, however his second form, which sees him grow to (and then encompass) the size of an entire mansion, removes everything challenging about the fight.

And I mean that literally seeing as he can barely move, and his attacks are so weak here that someone figured out that the regular enemies end up doing more damage! Pretty pathetic, all things considered.

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