10 Video Game Bosses You Can Beat By Doing NOTHING

7. The Living Dead - Monster Party

Fable 2

A majorly deep cut now, with cult classic NES game Monster Party. Mid-way through the kooky horror game, you'll end up facing off against boss duo The Living Dead - a pair of zombies which will eerily implore you to watch their dance.

This might seem like an opening to start attacking them, but all combat will do is temporarily knock them down and cause them to restart their weird dance all over again.

As it turns out, they weren't messing with you - the key to victory is simply to watch the undead twosome dance for about 30 seconds, after which they'll melt into a pile of green mulch, clearing the path for you to move forward.

Though most likely assumed that the zombies were playing a trick on them and were going to send them into a deathly trance with the dance, they bafflingly told you exactly what to do. One can only imagine how many kids got stuck on this back in the day.

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Fable 2
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.