10 Video Game Bosses You Can Beat By Doing NOTHING

6. Lucien Fairfax - Fable II

Fable 2

Fable II's final boss is detestable Big Bad Lord Lucien Fairfax, though even at the best of times, this can scarcely be called a boss fight, because there's little even remotely competitive about it.

After using your music box to interrupt his ritual, you're able to pull out a gun and shoot him dead, but even that meager solution seems positively high-effort compared to the other one - let one of your pals do the not-so-hard work.

After screwing up the ritual, you can just hang around and listen to Lucien deliver an angry Villain Monologue. 

After about a minute of gasbagging, though, your fed up buddy Reaver will just pull out his own gat and shoot Lucien dead.

As if to underline the fact you did basically nothing to kill him, Reaver will even make a joke about how long you took to get the job done, sarcastically asking, "Oh I'm sorry, did you want to kill him?"

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Fable 2
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.