10 Video Game Bosses You Can Only Defeat With One Weapon

9. Bendy - Bendy And The Ink Machine

Bendy and the Ink Machine thumbnail
Joey Drew Studios

Bendy and the Ink Machine manages to do almost the impossible: making a Mickey Mouse-esque cartoon absolutely terrifying.

And it manages that with legitimate aplomb, in no small part because the titular big bad, Bendy, is seemingly incapable of being harmed by anything, due to the magical ink that has brought him to unnerving 3D life.

But, given Bendy is still a cartoon in essence, the one thing that can damage him makes perfect sense: his final film reel, titled "The End."

While playing the tape in front of Bendy should be simply, it quickly gets complicated and dangerous fast, as the monster transforms into his final, most demonic form, and chases you around one final time.

After fleeing furiously for a good ten minutes, you'll be able to hightail it back to the room you started in, where you can load the film reel up, forcing Bendy to see his own end. Mercifully, this is enough to cause him to fade away Endgame style, and for you to finally complete the game - although whether it's a happy ending or not is left very much up to your own interpretation.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.