10 Video Game Bosses You Can Only Defeat With One Weapon

8. Alien Wily - Mega Man 2

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When Dr. Wily appears to be revealed as a nightmarish alien menace, your first thought is no doubt "this is gonna be a hard fight".

And it will quickly become clear that this statement was very, very true, as almost every weapon you try and employ against Alien Wily will prove useless - worse than useless, given they actually restore the boss's health to full.

As it turns out, only one weapon has any chance against this alien scourge, and that weapon is the Bubble Lead. While this might seem more than a little surprising, the reason behind it becomes clear, as it turns out that this frightening threat is actually just a hologram created by Wily in order to keep you occupied.

As such, you can take down this frightening beast armed with only bubbles, some aim, and a little bit of belief in yourself.

Though it smarts to realise the enemy you were so intimidated by was just an illusion, it's made up for by the fact that you beat him with a bit of water and soap.


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